We empower Aboriginal young people in out-of-home care to establish belonging and break the cycle.

  • If you know someone in need of wrap around mentoring support please get in touch.

  • Your support could help transform the lives of young people living in out-of-home care and within the child protection system

  • We provide a holistic, culturally-focused support program that helps break the cycle.

Work With Us!

Currently we are recruiting for a driver and program support assistant. For more information and to obtain a job description, please contact us at info@idknowyourself.com

"It's cool to see all the ways you can express your culture. Like dancing and art and sport and everything" - Mentee, 15 yrs old

"It's cool to see all the ways you can express your culture. Like dancing and art and sport and everything" - Mentee, 15 yrs old

“It gives you a sense of belonging. Being proud of your culture makes you feel whole” - Mentee, 17 yrs old

“It gives you a sense of belonging. Being proud of your culture makes you feel whole” - Mentee, 17 yrs old

“We are the oldest standing culture and we have lived in Australia for 60000+ years” - Mentee, 14 yrs old

“We are the oldest standing culture and we have lived in Australia for 60000+ years” - Mentee, 14 yrs old

News and updates.