• What does the program involve?

    Our program is delivered via 2 x weekly group sessions and one-on-one mentoring run by our team of Aboriginal Youth Mentors. The mentoring is designed around each young person currently enrolled in the program, taking into account their unique needs. All activities centre around our key outcome areas: culture, life skills, wellbeing, education and employment, and advocacy.

  • When do the group sessions take place?

    The group sessions take place every Monday and Wednesday afternoon between 4.15 pm and 6:30 pm during each school term. We suggest that Mentees should attend the program for at least 2 terms to get the full benefit from the program. Our one-on-one mentoring times/days depend on the unique needs of the young person.

  • Is there a school holiday program?

    Yes! Our program continues through the school holidays. The schedule will change depending on the activities organised, but we will often organise 1-2 excursions per school holiday period.

  • When are the cultural camps?

    Our cultural camps are scheduled during the school holiday periods and at the moment run twice a year. Young people have to have been attending the program for a term before they attend a cultural camp.

  • How much does the program cost?

    We are a registered service provider through the Department of Communities in Justice so the cost will depend on the referring body and where the young person resides. For more information please contact us at referrals@idknowyourself.com.

  • Does IDKY offer transport?

    Unfortunately, transport must be organised externally as we don’t currently have the capacity within the organisation to provide transport to and from the weekly sessions.

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